7.2.2024 Finance Minutes

City Commission Finance Meeting

Valley City, North Dakota

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

2:30 PM

Called to Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Gulmon.

Other present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Klein, Police Lieutenant Rustebakke, Administrative Assistant Hintz

Guest present: Greg Bischoff, James Jensen

Commission Topics

Discuss the RRWSP (Red River Water Supply Project) President Carlsrud and the Commissioners had discussion on the RRWSP and the consensus of the Commissioners is to communicate with the RRWSP that the City of Valley City would like to move forward with 1 and 1.

Department Reports

Sanitation Department

Sanitation Supervisor Swart went over the Container Count Report as well as how smoothly pick up has been going.

Water Department

Water Superintendent Hesch shared that the meter change will be happening soon and that the measurement of usage concerning backflow should be more precise.

Electric Department

Electrical Superintendent Senf discussed the 8 outages in the past month, 5 due to squirrels.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson shared the news that 8 Trainees will graduate from the First Responder Course.

Police Department

Police Lieutenant Rustebakke reported that the Animal Control & Chief Vehicles had Emergency Lights installed.

Street Department

Operations Supervisor Klemisch said that the hot mix is again available so they have been busy with that and the Lagoon Discharge is complete.  

New Items

The Quarterly Engineering Report was given by Finance Director Klein. We are currently sitting at 30% utilized so far this year.

City Attorney Martineck brought up discussion on City Mobile Home Regulations and Limits on a Newly Sited Home. The Commission asked Martineck to prepare an Ordinance using the year 1980 as a guideline.

Discussion on the current Master Fee Schedule and the changes that need to be added from Public Works, Street, Building Inspector and more. This will be updated and presented as a Resolution at the July 16, 2024, Commission Meeting.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) was discussed by City Attorney Martineck and will be added to the Employee Policy.

Lieutenant Rustebakke brought forth two estimates for Body Cams and In-Car Cameras from Axon Enterprises, Inc and Motorola. The Commissioners questioned the differences in the Company’s Products as well as the Estimates. The consensus of the Commissioners is to see movement forward but first check on the Grant Amounts with Chief Horner. Administrator Crawford agreed but would like this to be a 2025 purchase.

A Clean Up Week Debriefing was held and a few items were brought up for discussion. Building materials and Blocks/Pavers being the largest issues. The Commissioners asked for those involved to come back with yardage recommendations for next year’s Clean-Up Week. Possibly add these items to the information sheet available.

The current Recycling Contract is up for renewal. City Administrator Crawford will discuss with Valley Recycling and renew for 1 year if agreed. The Dumpster Lease is also due.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 PM.

Posted in Announcements, City Commission, Finance Meeting Minutes.