Proclamation for Stroke Awareness Month

Whereas, anyone can be susceptible to a stroke regardless of age, sex, ability, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status; and

Whereas,  learning that a stroke is largely preventable and treatable; and knowing the warning signs is essential to survival and better outcomes and recovery; remember F.A.S.T.:   Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, it’s Time to call 911; and

Whereas,  Stroke Awareness Month provides an excellent opportunity for citizens to learn more about preventing and treating high blood pressure and leading a healthy lifestyle, and to show support for the local healthcare professionals who provide critical care, treatment services, and prevention assistance to those at risk of stroke and the general public at large; and

Now, Therefore, be it proclaimed on behalf of all the members of the Valley City Commission, staff, and residents of the City of Valley City, the month of May 2018 is to be observed as Stroke Awareness Month.

We urge our residents to be educated on the warning signs of stroke and talk to their Provider about healthy living to prevent a stroke.

Dave Carlsrud, Mayor
May 1, 2018


Posted in City Commission, Proclamations.