Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

8.6.2024 Finance Minutes

City Commission Finance Meeting

Valley City, North Dakota

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

2:30 PM

Called to Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Erickson

Member absent: Commissioner Gulmon

Other present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Klein, Police Chief Horner, Administrative Assistant Hintz

Commission Topics

Discuss the RRWSP (Red River Water Supply Project) President Carlsrud gave an update on the project and discussed two possible changes. One, sending water down the James River instead of a pipe and the ability to now go around wet lands instead of under them. They also need to figure out how they will share the charges with those buying water.

Department Reports

Sanitation Department

Sanitation Supervisor Swart went over the Container Count Report, it is up for the month. She reported on a squirrel problem as they are chewing through lids. Please bag your garbage or store in your garage or shed if possible. Scents deter the squirrels as well. Woodchips are currently available at the Transfer Station.

Water Department

Water Superintendent Hesch reported that the water usage between June and July has not changed. Lead & Copper sampling of water has been completed and mailed to Bismarck for testing. This sampling is done every three years.

Electric Department

Administrator Crawford shared Corey Bucks report as he was called away. There were two outages, both from squirrels. Lighting on Secarse has been installed, bases will be installed after the hydro-seeding is completed.  Valley View URD project, all conduit and wiring are installed starting from the cut over from overhead to underground on the house services. Construction is beginning this week on upgrading SCADA to fiber at each sanitary, storm, water booster, and electrical substation.

Police Department

Police Chief Horner reported that the new patrol vehicle is ready for service. Gearing up for the school year and prepping for the SRO duties. There are two opening in the department with interviews scheduled for this week. Parking by the HAC was discussed with the changes from the latest construction project.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson went over his Calls for Service Report. There were 10 calls along with one mutual aid call. The Crew was very professional and did an awesome job. The trucks have been serviced and passed testing. On the Dangerous Building topic, they are currently working on two buildings that will be torn down.

Street Department

Operations Supervisor Klemisch said that the crew has been doing a lot of hot mixing.  Working on concrete asphalt transitions and curb lines as well. The July tree campaign went well this year. Next week they will be gearing up to paint school crossings and crosswalks. The NDDEQ will be coming to do their yearly sanitary inspections.  Update on the water nodes, there are about 140 already changed out with another 80 on the list to be completed. Operations Supervisor Klemisch shared the new Alley Paving/Reconstruct process with the Commissioners. There was some discussion and once completed, this will be posted to the website for Residents to utilize.


Administrator Crawford asked Commissioner Erickson to weigh in on the new service center project. The preliminary estimates show an increase in costs from where the previous estimate was. To move forward, they are asking for a larger authorized amount.

New Items

Discuss Settlement Proposal in the amount of $50,000 for Paving Improvement District 125, Watermain 103, Sanitary 67 and Storm Sewer Improvement District 54. Administer Crawford discussed the project and explained the NOI (Notice of Intent) from Strata Corporation on behalf of subcontractor Sellin Brothers, Inc.

Discuss Preliminary Plan Layouts for Project No. UGP-2-990(068) & SU-CPU-2-990(069) – 2nd St N, 3rd Ave NE & 4th Ave NE. Discussion was held on alternatives for the businesses affected by this project.

Discussion was held on the Recycling Contract – Parties agree to continue with current recycling contract but going month to month. On the Dumpster Rent to Own Agreement that was to be finished this year with a balloon payment due. Could we set up a new rent to own agreement with payments going towards the balance of the balloon payment? If the Recycling Contract is ended, then the remaining balance would be due. The consensus of the Commissioners is to go ahead with the new agreement.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:27 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

7.2.2024 Finance Minutes

City Commission Finance Meeting

Valley City, North Dakota

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

2:30 PM

Called to Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Gulmon.

Other present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Klein, Police Lieutenant Rustebakke, Administrative Assistant Hintz

Guest present: Greg Bischoff, James Jensen

Commission Topics

Discuss the RRWSP (Red River Water Supply Project) President Carlsrud and the Commissioners had discussion on the RRWSP and the consensus of the Commissioners is to communicate with the RRWSP that the City of Valley City would like to move forward with 1 and 1.

Department Reports

Sanitation Department

Sanitation Supervisor Swart went over the Container Count Report as well as how smoothly pick up has been going.

Water Department

Water Superintendent Hesch shared that the meter change will be happening soon and that the measurement of usage concerning backflow should be more precise.

Electric Department

Electrical Superintendent Senf discussed the 8 outages in the past month, 5 due to squirrels.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson shared the news that 8 Trainees will graduate from the First Responder Course.

Police Department

Police Lieutenant Rustebakke reported that the Animal Control & Chief Vehicles had Emergency Lights installed.

Street Department

Operations Supervisor Klemisch said that the hot mix is again available so they have been busy with that and the Lagoon Discharge is complete.  

New Items

The Quarterly Engineering Report was given by Finance Director Klein. We are currently sitting at 30% utilized so far this year.

City Attorney Martineck brought up discussion on City Mobile Home Regulations and Limits on a Newly Sited Home. The Commission asked Martineck to prepare an Ordinance using the year 1980 as a guideline.

Discussion on the current Master Fee Schedule and the changes that need to be added from Public Works, Street, Building Inspector and more. This will be updated and presented as a Resolution at the July 16, 2024, Commission Meeting.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) was discussed by City Attorney Martineck and will be added to the Employee Policy.

Lieutenant Rustebakke brought forth two estimates for Body Cams and In-Car Cameras from Axon Enterprises, Inc and Motorola. The Commissioners questioned the differences in the Company’s Products as well as the Estimates. The consensus of the Commissioners is to see movement forward but first check on the Grant Amounts with Chief Horner. Administrator Crawford agreed but would like this to be a 2025 purchase.

A Clean Up Week Debriefing was held and a few items were brought up for discussion. Building materials and Blocks/Pavers being the largest issues. The Commissioners asked for those involved to come back with yardage recommendations for next year’s Clean-Up Week. Possibly add these items to the information sheet available.

The current Recycling Contract is up for renewal. City Administrator Crawford will discuss with Valley Recycling and renew for 1 year if agreed. The Dumpster Lease is also due.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

6.4.2024 Finance Minutes

City Commission Finance Meeting

Valley City, North Dakota

Tuesday, June 4th, 2024

2:30 PM

Called to Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Gulmon.

Other present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Klein, Administrative Assistant Hintz

New Items

A power point presentation on the Red River Water Supply Project was given with discussion following.

Department Reports

Sanitation Department

Sanitation Supervisor Swart reported on a few items. 2024 Cleanup week brought in 158.65 tons of garbage and 66 tons of inert materials. The electronic recycling brought in 4736lbs of materials. Residential container count is up for the month of May. Thank you to Mike & Gwen for the treats and to Gwen, Joy & Jackie for their assistance during cleanup week. Cameras have been a wonderful addition. 

Water Department

Water Superintendent Hesch shared that the numbers are up due to additional flushing this year. They have also turned down the outlets due to all the rain. Administrator Crawford asked about people pumping from the river. Research will need to be done if permits are required.

Electric Department

Corey Buck filled the Commissioners in on the happenings in the Electrical Department. There were 3 outages for the month of May, 1 due to high winds & 2 due to squirrels. Continuing to work on the lights around town. Keeping up with the construction needs and working with the contractors. The camp by the Fish Hatchery is now completely underground. Working on getting all the easements caught up and filed.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson went through his run sheet and calls report. The sirens have all been updated to dual power. A test will be run on Tuesday, June 11th. Working on the garbage & grass issues around town. A look into the process for these violations need to be looked into and a possibly ordinance change needed.

Police Department

Police Chief Horner discussed a bit on the body cam quotes and grants.  A new restraint was shown to the Commissioners called “The Wrap”. This was donated by City/County Health and is used by the Jail & the Sheriff’s office so it is interchangeable. The department was also given iPads to use for mental health emergencies. Parking and Code Enforcement is out in full force on past violations and getting current junk violations taken care of. Chief Horner introduced Kim Jorissen as the new Records Manager for the Police Department.

Street Department

Operations Supervisor Klemisch reported that they are working on the hydro flushing around town. A new batch of water nodes have come in and are being replaced a quickly as possible. Lift stations were checked and are all in good condition. Hot mix for repairs will not be in until mid-June and then repairs will start.  


City Administrator Crawford shared the Terracon report for the Service Center. It was decided to go with all the sites for boring. The first meeting was held today on the new Service Center. Discussion on Mark Olson’s retaining wall at 6th Ave NW that is located in the right of way. The home owner would like to have the wall replaced but with the new construction there is no need for the wall and the storm sewer main will go. Much discussion was held on this concern. City Engineer Peterson, City Administrator Crawford and Commissioner Erickson will reach out to the home owner for discussion.

New Items

Discussion on the Alley’s maintenance and up keep. Operations Supervisor Klemisch shared the information that he found on this topic. He shared what the City of Fargo was doing and then made some changes to make it work for Valley City and our challenges. He also located an Alley Paving and Reconstruction project application and again made a few changes to make this work here in Valley City.

Changes will be made to the document presented and it will be brought back for discussion and then proceed with the process.

City Attorney Martineck shared with the Commission the fact that Court has not been functioning for a while now. He has been receiving complaints from Various people, Police Officers and Clerks of Court that this is not working for them. The current Judge is not able to be in the court room and he is the only candidate up for re-election in a couple weeks. He shared the two options that could be a possibility but feels that neither is a great answer. One would be to write an ordinance that makes the position an appointed position or pass a resolution to adjust the salary of the Judge. The main goal would be to have something that will work for the City and not just the Judge. Code states the Municipal Judge position is an elected position but an opinion made by the Attorney General about 20 years ago states that because Valley City is home ruled, we could make it an appointed position. Changes made must take affect prior to the new term starting. Add topic to the 6.18.2024 Commission Meeting.

Agenda Topics 4 – 8 will be moved to the 7.2.2024 Finance Meeting.

            Discuss City Mobile Home Regulations

            Employee Policy on Generative Artificial Intelligence usage

            Recycling Contract

            Clean-up Week Debriefing & Follow-Up


The meeting was adjourned at 5:03 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

5.6.2024 Finance Minutes

Called to Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Gulmon.

Other present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Klein, Administrative Assistant Hintz

Department Reports

Sanitation Department

Sanitation Supervisor Swart discussed the grass sites available for Resident’s. They are open 24/7 and are for branches less than 3” in diameter and no processed wood. Larger branches can be taken to the transfer station and disposed of inside at no charge during regular business hours. Residential Clean Up week, piles must be sorted per the brochures and keep piles 3’ away from your container. Questions, call the transfer station at 701-845-0314. Electronic waste disposal for Residential and Businesses will be accepted during this year’s clean-up week at the transfer station during regular business hours, Monday through Friday from 8AM to 4PM. Materials will be weighed and there is a cost of $.75 per pound, cash only. Planned route for clean-up will be SW, SE, NE & then NW. Reminder: handles towards the house.

Water Department

Water Superintendent Hesch reminded us all that it is seasonal water change time for water quality. With the change in the river water flows, they are running their Nano filters all day so you will see a difference in your water quality. It is safe to drink.  If you have concerns about your water, please call into Public Works at 701-845-0380 and a service order will be started.

Electric Department

Darwin Suhr updated the Commission on the 1 outage from last month. The areas that they are working on as summer approaches. The lights on the walking bridge are starting to burn out. They will be looking into the cost of replacing the lights and bringing that to the next finance meeting.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson went over his run sheet from the previous month. Still very busy with all the trainings going on. Concentrating on the nuisance notifications around town. The Fire Department purchased just under $40,000. worth of new equipment including a new spreader, a new cutter as well as several thermal imagers using the funds they raised at their annual smoker.

Police Department

Police Chief Horner shared that a few Officers have been to training and they are bringing what they learned and holding some internal trainings for all the officers. Kim Toth was introduced to the Commissioners. Kim is the new Animal & Parking Code Enforcement Officer. Judge Goven remains out of the office so Municipal Court will be held via Zoom this month using a Municipal Judge out of Jamestown.

Street Department

Operations Supervisor Klemisch updated the Commissioners that the crack sealing is done. Tree clean up will happen the week of May 20th. Branches and small trees must be piled together on your boulevard and will be picked up by the grapple forks. Smaller sticks and twigs that fall will not be picked or raked up, they will be the responsibility of the owner. Trying to work on gravel areas and alleys. Hydrant flushing will begin shortly.


City Administrator Crawford gave an update on the Living Local App and how great the process has been.  It has been fun watching all the groups working together and having a say in the application. It will be beneficial having 1 location for all the information on what is happening in our area.

Finance Director Klein will be sending out the 2025 budget calendar shortly.

New Items

Finance Director Klein brought up to the Commission the loan that the Valley City Barnes County Public Library may apply for through the Rural Development Finance Corporation as they plan for their rooftop replacement and restoration projects. Hilde Van Gijssel is requesting a Public Hearing on the matter at the May 21st, 2024, Commission Meeting. The Commission agreed to add this to the May 21st, 2024 Commission meeting.

Commissioner Magnuson discussed the rotation that is currently in place for the Library Board and the proposed change. This will take a bylaws amendment for the Library Board & City Attorney Martineck will draw up a new agreement for how the City and the County sets out how those positions are appointed.

President Carlsrud, Commissioner Gulmon and Commissioner Bishop shared their views on the Red River Water Supply Project. Discussion on the costs of the project and on the true need of this project was had. They did request that a Presentation from RRWSP or Greg Bischoff be set up for the Board at the next Finance Meeting.

President Carlsrud shared some of the changes with Western Area Power Administration (WAPA). This is where we receive our hydro power. There will be some rate increases coming in 2025 or 2026. This is due to the demand for increased power and water supply. There are a couple large projects coming up repairing their current infrastructure.

President Carlsrud discussed the need for another full-time employee to assist the City Administrator & the City Attorney. The Commissioners all agree to the need for this position and would like to move forward on this process.

City Administrator Crawford shared the updated requirements for the Sale of the NW Industrial property. A minimum price was set for all 7.48 acres as it should be sold as 1 unit. This piece should be moved to the Non-primary Sector. It must be developed and a structure must be built within the first 24 months. City Attorney Martineck will clarify requirements in the draft. We want to be clear as possible up front on what is and is not, right now it must be developed in accordance with the I1 Industrial except for your self-storage and your open storage and the requirement of a minimum structure for the bidding process.   

City Administrator Crawford discussed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Water Trail Advisory Committee and recommended approval to sign.

Police Chief Horner discussed the need for replacing the current body cams, tasers and in-car cameras that our officers are currently using. The company that made the current cameras are no longer in service so there are no updates being made. The parts needed to fix them must be purchased through a 3rd party vender. They started with 12 cameras and are down to just 6 working now. The batteries on the cameras do not last an entire shift. A car system did go out but they were able to get it to work again. Grants are being applied for but they have not heard the results. Commissioners asked Chief Horner to get current quotes and bring to the next Finance Meeting.

City Administrator Crawford invited David Wick to join the meeting via Zoom and give an update on Viking Trailer Court. He is working with the residents to clean up their trailers and buildings. His plan is to spend $15,000. yearly towards the road and drainage project as directed by the engineers. The Commissioners have asked Wick for a tentative plan for the future.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:54 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

4.2.2024 Finance Minutes

City Commission Finance Meeting

Valley City, North Dakota

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024

3:30 PM

Called to Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Gulmon.

Other present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Klein, Administrative Assistant Hintz

Commission Topics

City Administrator Crawford discussed changing the process and timeline for the Financial Reports. Having the report due at the mid-month meeting will allow the team more time to prepare and share a more up to date report. Joy Kiefert, Lead Accounting Clerk and Brandy Johnson, Deputy Auditor spoke as well on the change. Commissioner Gulmon recommended the Commissioners accept the change.

Commissioner Gulmon raised the topic of the NW Industrial Property to sell for non-primary usage. A list of topics was in the material package that will need to be discussed and answers determined before proceeding with the sale of the property.

Commissioner Magnuson asked the question, “What is the goal of the City, growing our City and future developments?” Commissioners shared their views.

City Administrator Crawford proposed new times for the Finance Commission meetings. It was decided that all Finance meetings will be scheduled to start at 2:30PM monthly and adjusted as needed. Commission meetings will remain at 5:00PM.

Department Reports

Sanitation Department

Sanitation Supervisor Swart reminded all that garbage container handles should face the house and there should be 3 feet of clearance around your container. The Residential Can Count Report is now included in the materials packet for the Commissioners to review.  Swart also explained the “Clean-Up” week poster and how it breaks down the sorting of materials, the dates, possible charges and where non-collected items may be taken for disposal or recycling.

Water Department

Water Superintendent Hesch informed all that the 2023 Water Quality Report has been printed in the Newspaper and posted to the City’s Website & Social Media. Hesch also reported on the water loss project. The Water Treatment Plant will be switching out a flow meter that measures the water flowing from the plant to the towers. The current meter does not account for the water that is back flowing into the plant when the heat pumps are shut down. The new meter will measure flow both ways. Busy with maintenance, replacing seals.

Electric Department

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported on the outages for last month, there were 3. Working on trimming trees and will soon start work on the underground project.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson went over his monthly run sheet. 17 calls for service last month. Currently working on some nuisance items and getting them cleaned up. Working on the Dangerous Buildings, a few of the asbestos reports are now completed. Going to add a couple garages to the list. The boat is completely ready to go, just need water.  Fire Fighter 1 Class is going with 16 participants. There is also a First Responder Class currently in process.

Police Department

Police Chief Horner reported on the Grants for Body Cams, working on another Grant in April for Security around the building. The Team has been busy. Due to an increase in School Bus passing violations, they have increased their presence near the school zones. Horner also displayed the “Moto-Shot” demo. It is used to train Officers on shooting at a moving target. They have reached out to other departments and agencies to give them a chance to use it as well. Currently they are assessing their body cam & car systems but are looking at what it will need to fix or replace. Andrea Suhr did put her resignation in after 24 years of service with the department. They will be posting for that position.

Street Department

Operations Supervisor Klemisch shared that the County will be doing some soil boring & sampling by the Viking Bridge. Ben Lokken is now fully certified as an Operator 4 having passed his last 2 tests. Congratulations. They will be starting crack sealing in the next week or so. Doing some street and curb painting. Flushing of hydrants. Looking at getting into a couple alleys as they dry up. This led to a discussion on alleys and what it will take for repairs and clean-up as this is an on-going issue every year.


City Attorney Martineck discussed a piece of property that was deeded to the Jewett’s back in 1999. This deed was never recorded. The Jewett’s have been paying the taxes since 1999. They are now selling this property so Martineck is recommending a Quit Claim of this property over to Joan Jewett to clear this matter. Commissioners agree with the recommendation. City Attorney Martineck talked about the incapacity of our Municipal Judge and we do not have a clear date of his return. He informed Commission, if needed, has the authority to appoint an interim Municipal Judge. Currently, cases are being scheduled into May to buy time. Steps are being taken to find options should this become necessary.

Finance Director Klein reviewed the bid openings for the Seal Coat Project for this summer. The Engineers estimate is listed on the spreadsheet and is much less than even the lowest bid. City Engineer Peterson and Finance Director Klein recommend rejecting the current bids and take some time to look at other options to reduce the costs.

Review monthly bills/reports

Finance Director Klein reported expenditures in the amount of $2,144,801 for the month.

Quarterly Engineer Report

Total Budgeted for the year is $90,000. For the first quarter, general engineering is at $12,324. and planning is at $8,338. We are at a good place for the first quarter.

Discuss the rental of the National Guard Building. Should we be charging a deposit prior to renting instead of a possible janitorial fee after an event has taken place.  Rate and deposit ideas will be brought to the next meeting for more discussion.

Discussion on putting the house at 446 8th Ave NE up for bids for removal. A person reached out wanting to buy the home and move it to a different location. The Asbestos test came back with asbestos in the ceiling.Regardless of the decision, will asbestos need to be mitigated?  It was decided to start the process to sell the house if possible.

City Administrator Crawford read a note from David Wick regarding the items that need to be taken care of at Viking Trailer Court as well as a timeline.  They will continue to work on the needed repairs.

There was also discussion on the construction projects and how they will affect different road closures for this summer’s community events. The Chamber has already been made aware and are working with the City on alternate plans.

City Engineer Peterson shared the plan for the upcoming Secarse, 6th Ave, 6th St & 7th St project.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:46 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

3.5.2024 Finance Minutes

City Commission Finance Meeting

Valley City, North Dakota

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

2:30 PM

Called to Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Gulmon

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Deputy Auditor Johnson, Administrative Assistant Hintz

New Items

Red River Water Supply Project

Guest Greg Bischoff, Barnes County’s Representative on the Garrison Diversion Board, shared an update on the Red River Water Supply Project.  A project to supply emergency water to central & eastern North Dakota during times of water scarcity so as to protect public health, ensure economic vitality and provide environmental benefits in the river systems.

NW Industrial Park

Discuss selling city owned lots in NW Industrial Park. Commissioner Bishop asked Jennifer Feist with the VCBC Development Corp to discuss the use of the land in the NW Industrial Park for Non-Primary Sector purposes. In the interest of development & putting that land in the hands of the private sector, the VCBCDC feels it is a good idea.

Clean-Up Week

Sanitation Supervisor Swart started the discussion on Clean-Up Week tentatively set for May 13–18, 2024. Swart shared a few ideas and changes that may need to be made due to the number of Trucks currently in the fleet. The consensus of the Commissioners was to continue as is by renting a truck to assist with pick up. Educating the Citizens of Valley City on what can and cannot be disposed of, as well as how to separate their piles of garbage for a more efficient clean-up. Citizens not following the guidelines set forth will not have their trash picked up.  

Department Reports

Sanitation Department

Sanitation Supervisor Swart reminded all not to put your garbage container on a snow bank, that they need 3’ of clearance around the container, your handles should face the house & it must be out for pick-up by 7:00AM.  

Electric Department

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported that his team is staying busy with Service Orders, Lights & Trees. They are working on their gateway issues and getting this cleared up.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson reported on their Calls for Service. Magnuson & Coit are currently working on some nuisance items, letters were mailed out prior to the recent snow storm. The boat is about completely ready, then on to the preparations for the pick-up. Looking for alternate locations for Fire Equipment parking this summer during the construction project. The Ariel is an issue. Hydrants, whether City owned or Privately owned, must be fixed and can not just be shut off. Private hydrants must be tested yearly. Looking into an ordinance for this issue. Magnuson shared that the Department is involved in the Chili Cook-Off at the Winter Show this year. They are also working on their yearly fundraiser being held March 23rd.

Police Department

Chief Horner shared that his Department is working with the Sheriff’s Office and the Highway Patrol Department to have extra enforcement during the ND Winter Show. The Department is applying for grants to assist in the purchase of Cameras for inside & outside the Police Department to cover a few blind spots and to update the current door security system. They are also waiting to hear on a grant they applied for to purchase body cameras. There are currently 3 open positions that they are trying to fill.

Street Department

Operations Supervisor Klemisch reported on the snowstorm & the clean-up that followed. Ben Lokken passed the Treatment 4 License Exam so now is a Certified Level 4 Operator which is the highest level in North Dakota and the level of our Valley City Water Plant.


City Administrator Crawford shared that on March 23, 2024 there will be a walk through with AE2S at the Water Plant to give us an over all game plan for future projects and maintenance.

Review monthly bills/reports

Deputy Auditor Johnson reported expenditures in the amount of $1,399,702. for the month.

New Items Continued

Discuss Amendments to Alcoholic Beverage License Code. City Attorney Martineck discussed:

  1. License fees – Streamline the fees
    1. New license for professional services businesses – Need a new class of license
    1. New license for entertainment facilities – Need a new class of license
    1. Guidelines for special event permits – No specifications for precautions
    1. Lookback period for violations – Possibly change title and change to 2 years
    1. Dates for renewal – Currently from July 1 to June 30. State is due January 1
    1. Administrative hearing procedures – Need to clarify the procedures process
    1. Server training certificates – New process to track these certificates

Discuss Commissioner Responsibilities Including Appointment of City Officials. City Attorney Martineck shared that the initial discussion on this topic was held in December so he is bringing it back for further discussion and direction. An Ordinance will be put together to clarify who should be appointed officer. In Code it states the Mayor is the Chief Executive Officer of the City. When you have a City Manager or City Administrator system, most of the Chief Executive Officer’s powers transfer to the City Administrator. The executive officer is the person who has the power to execute the laws and the City Commission is the Legislative Body that makes the laws. Martineck suggested, for the balance of powers, leave the Mayor as the Chief Executive Officer in Code and add those powers will be suspended during the period of having a City Administrator or a City Manager.

Review Recommended Changes to Valley City Urban Functional Classification System for Submittal to NDDOT for Review and Consideration. City Engineer reviewed the information and the submission is due onto the ND Department of Transportation by April 1, 2024.

Discussion on the Junk Ordinance for Main Street. Commissioner Magnuson started discussion on what, if anything, can be done about the locations along main street as it relates to junk. An ordinance can be drawn up regarding this topic but it will affect all citizens. Currently this is handled on a case by case process.

Discussion Regarding a Change to Paving Project 125 (2nd Ave NE/3rd St NE/4th St NE/3rd Ave NE) in regards to Parking for the Fire Hall. Administrator Crawford shared the quotes for concrete vs. recycled asphalt to include additional parking for the Fire Department during the project this summer. Her recommendation is to move forward with the additional parking but requiring the Firemen to abide by the current parking guidelines.  The consensus of the Commission is to move ahead with the recycled asphalt option for now.

SLWA Quick Start Guide Update President Carlsrud and Commissioner Erickson informed the Commission on the Service Line Warranties of America program. They explained the relationship between the two entities and gave an overview of program being offered. It was also stated that the repairs will be done by Licensed Contractors with the City of Valley City. This program is intended to give Valley City Residents an option for their service lines.

Discuss Finance Meeting Times. President Carlsrud brought up discussion on the times for the Finance meeting and how they seem to need adjusting monthly. It was decided that the Agenda will be reviewed the on Thursday afternoon the week prior and a time set.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:57 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

2.6.2024 Finance Minutes

City Commission Finance Meeting

Valley City, North Dakota

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

3:30 PM

Called to Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Erickson,

Other present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Klein, Administrative Assistant Hintz

Members absent: Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Gulmon

Department Reports

Sanitation Department

Sanitation Supervisor Swart shared that the automated truck has both arms working after repairs. Cost per ton comparisons were discussed between hauling to Jamestown @ $87.91/ton & Fargo @ $92.42/ton. Communication on the total tonnage that both locations are able to handle will need to happen.

Electric Department

Cory Buck reported that outages were down for the month of January. Work continues on the purple lights, the pole inventory for Century Link, and updating the meter reading infrastructure. All Christmas decorations have been taken down & stored. Still cleaning up from the Ice Storm. Branches that are hanging over lines will be taken care of by the City if reported, branches hanging over streets and boulevards are the responsibility of the homeowners.

Street Department

Operations Supervisor Klemisch reported on an issue this morning at the master lift. This is now online using back-up until the new transfer switch arrives. Tree count from the Ice Storm was reported. In the residential areas, 158 tandem loads of branches were removed. In addition, 50 more tandem loads were taken out from clean-up on city lots. Currently working on potholes and drainage areas.


City Administrator Crawford discussed the possibility of a Lead Line Repair Ordinance. As we move forward working on our inventory, do we want to look at asking the home owner to replace the lead lines on the Customer owned side.

City Attorney explained the consent agenda at the Commission meeting contains a request for a Public Hearing to be held on a Dangerous Building at 340 3rd St SE.

Police Department

Police Chief Horner presented a Power Point presentation on the 2023 Annual Report for the Police Department. He also updated on the current application process.

Review monthly bills/reports

Finance Director Klein reported expenditures in the amount of $1,618,408 for the month.

New Items

  1. City Attorney Martineck and Parking/Animal Control Officer Johnson discussed the current ordinance regarding livestock in city limits and a few changes to wording that they would suggest.
  2. VCSU would like to change the location for the Recycling Containers. The area by the Parks and Rec Maintenance building may be a possible location and Klemisch will research.
  3. City Administrator Crawford reviewed the BEK Connect Service Renewal. Discussion on the proposed savings and reasoning for the changes was explained and was given a recommendation to pass at the Commission meeting.
  4. City Attorney Martineck gave an overview of the current process on Dangerous Buildings Process.  City Administrator Crawford and Fire Chief Magnuson shared some ideas for changes that may make this process more streamlined. Magnuson would like to see standards set and then look to changes in the future for rentals and working with the Health Department.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:54 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

1.4.2024 Finance Minutes

City Commission Finance Meeting

Valley City, North Dakota

Thursday, January 4, 2024

2:30 PM

Called to Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Gulmon.

Other present: City Attorney Martineck, City Administrator Crawford, Finance Director Klein, Administrative Assistant Hintz

Department Reports

Police Department

Police Chief Horner discussed the 2024 Budget for the year and changes that he will be making. The Department is down two positions so working on applicants to fill those positions. Researching Discipline Matrixes to see if one would be a fit for this size of Department. This would also mean putting together a Committee of Officers to make the Matrix with what they feel is needed and enforceable for the entire Department. 

Sanitation Department

Sanitation Supervisor Swart was not present. Operations Supervisor Klemisch shared that anyone taking trees or branches to the drop site try to pile them together instead of scatter throughout. 30 people used the “Free Christmas Week” garbage drop off that was offered by the City. Good thing we limited to 100 pounds as some did try to bring more. The automated truck is down to 1 arm at this time but able to keep up. It is being used while waiting for the repairs. All garbage pickup is up to date. Shutting down alley pickup on Valley Avenue for the winter due to conditions.

Street Department

Operations Supervisor Klemisch stated that his Team was out every day during the Ice Storm Event, both Sanders & the Motor Grader out daily, at times even more equipment. Focus in the first 24 hours was on the Emergency Routes and Hills. Downtown was taken care of Thursday morning. They have now entered the Residential Areas.

New Items

  1. Salt/Sand Discussion –Operations Supervisor Klemisch reported on the amounts of Sand/Salt that was used for this one event & then added in the amount that was sold to local Businesses as well. He is keeping an eye on the amount that was used and then what he feels will be needed for the remainder of the Winter. Rates, delivery fees and a possible cap on the amount of Sand/Salt sold were discussed.
  2. Finance Director Klein reported expenditures in the amount of $2,488,773 for the month.
  3. Monthly Engineer Report. Finance Director Klein shared that we did come in under budget for the year of 2023. The Current contract did expire. The City will need to draw up a new contract and both KLJ & Moore Engineering will need to agree and sign off if we wish to continue.  Recommendations from Staff are to continue as is.
  4. Viking Drive Estates Mobile Home Park License Renewal 2024 Discussion – City Administrator Crawford spoke with David Wick and discussed the budget & plan for the Viking Drive Estates. Crawford recommends that we approve until 4/15/2024 and must have a budget and plan into the City to continue after that date.  
  5. Discuss updates to the Employee Policy Manual. City Attorney Martineck emailed the red line copy to the Commissioners. Discussion was held on a few of the changes such as On-Call or a Second Job. The changes were approved and recommended by the Employee Committee.

Water Department

Water Superintendent Hesch shared how the power outages effected the Water Plant. Concentrating on maintenance items as approaching the equipment being over 10 years old. These repairs and maintenance do take quite a bit of time with a shutdown to machines and dry time before work can begin. The lead time on parts are weeks out. As the equipment ages, there will be more repairs and maintenance in the future. Discontinued the Data Contract with GE and went with a different route for the data. This saved substantial funds.

Electric Department

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported that his Team has been busy cleaning up after the Ice Storm and getting the Electricity going for the City. His Team will need to go back to locations and verify & correct the quick fixes and make sure that everyone has reliable power resources. Missouri River Energy Services will be out doing infrared scans to verify any weak spots so they may be taken care of. Tree branches near lines will also need to be removed. Electrical Superintendent Senf also explained the Western Area Power Association’s power outage lines were sagging and drawing the lines down, this caused a static line to touch a transmission line causing it to short out. They were having relay issue at the substation, so they needed to send a crew from Fargo to come out and rectify the relay issue and power was restored. This happened again a couple days later. Our Team was able to fix the line and restore service. There are 2 Drone Operators that will be getting licensed on the Team. The drones were instrumental in finding the breaks. We will be looking into a new afterhours answering service as Cass County will no longer be taking calls after June 30, 2024.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson shared the Year in Review for 2023. Calls were way up from previous years. There were several calls during the Ice Storm and all Departments worked so well together. Dangerous Building Report was discussed and the process to clean up dangerous buildings and piles of rubbish that are in yards in the City. Fines were discussed to help with the process.

Fire Extinguisher Report was much higher than last year. Expenses should be less in the future with the changes made to the Master Fee Schedule on charges.

New Items Continued

  • Tree Branch Pick-up & Removal – Operations Supervisor Klemisch reported that currently they are using 2 payloaders & 3 tandems in the cleanup process for the Ice Storm Tree Branch removal. We started the Residential pick up today just on the South side of Interstate. As of 2:00PM 13 loads were hauled out and the Crew just made it to Winter Show Road. This would be about ½ of the SE Section. This is at least a month-long process. People will need to be patient and know that the City is trying. Be aware that they will not be going back to areas that branches were already picked up. They are also not raking up small sticks and branches. You would need to take your branches out to the site if you missed the pickup in your area.
  • Apprenticeship Opportunity with North Dakota Rural Water – City Administrator Crawford explained that Valley City was approached to become one of the City’s that would take on apprenticeships. This means that the City would hire a person while they are registered as Student at Bismarck State College in the Water Plant or Distribution Field of studies. The student would work for the City while attending classes and completing their college courses. The benefit to the student would be Employment and on the job training to assist with their Water Plant curriculum. The benefit to the City would be to fill open positions that we currently have and, in the fields, where we are needing bodies.


Public Works Accountant Jacobson discussed the possible reimbursements for the Ice Storm Declaration and what we are keeping track of this time. All labor, pay rate & benefits and truck usage, repairs & work that have to do with the Ice Storm. He is keeping track daily on a spreadsheet. Currently he is at about $80,000 worth of expenses we have paid out. His best guess is that FEMA will reimburse for about $52,000.

Finance Director Klein updated the Commissioners that payment was received on the items that were sold at auction for $31,640. Currently she is working on a loan with the Bank of ND on the Northwest Reconstruction Project that will be happening this year. This is the Special Assessment part of the project. We are getting a rate of 2% on $425,000. We will not start drawing on the loan until this fall and we will have a resolution brought before the Commission prior to drawing. Finance Director Klein shared that in an email regarding tax distribution to the Commissioners she explained that the City received an extra highway distribution payment in the amount of $113,000. She has also been working with the new outside Auditors.

City Attorney Martineck discussed The Captain’s Pub as it was voted on at the last Commission meeting to have a Public Hearing. The Hearing is scheduled for January 16, 2024. The Captain’s Pub has hired a Lawyer, but he has not responded to any correspondence that was sent his direction. The License Holder did try to call today but had to leave a voicemail. There are witnesses subpoenaed for this hearing. There is a more formal process to follow to suspend a license. Martineck will be working with Mayor Carlsrud on this process. Hoping that a resolution will be reached prior to the Public Hearing but if needed, it is on the calendar.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:32 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

12.5.2023 Finance Minutes

City Commission Finance Meeting

Valley City, North Dakota

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

2:30 PM

Called to Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Gulmon.

Other present: City Attorney Martineck, City Administrator Crawford, Finance Director Klein, Administrative Assistant Hintz

Department Reports

Sanitation Department

Sanitation Supervisor Swart discussed picking up garbage racks that remain around town. She reminded us that the Truck needs at least 3’ clearance around the containers. Swart shared information about Saturday openings for the Landfill and what hours seem to be the best to be open. 9AM to Noon seems to be the busiest times. Swart then brought up the extra garbage that citizens have around Christmas, and it was decided to have free drop off of up to 100lbs per Residence from December 26 to December 29. Citizens can take their garbage, minus the recycled cardboard, to the Transfer Station.

Electric Department

Electrical Superintendent Senf shared there were 4 outages in the past month due to squirrels. The Department is busy with trimming trees, hanging switches and will be working on the underground connection to John Deere. The quotes for the sale of the used transformer came in and the best proposal was for $20,000. and they will load and haul the piece taking on all the liability.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson reviewed the Calls for Service Report. Numbers were down from the previous month with 10 regular and 10 after hour calls. Magnuson filled the Commissioners in on the new rescue boat that was purchased with some insurance claim funds and the remaining amount was covered with funds raised by the Firemen.

Street Department

Operations Supervisor Klemisch talked about the culvert that was replaced by the Rainbow Bridge as well as a water main break in the SW part of town. Thank you to Barnes Rural Water for some of the materials. His team also replaced the guardrail near 6th & Viking.


City Administrator Crawford gave an update on 2nd Ave lighting. Everything is ready as soon as the actual poles come in but do to timing and weather, this will be completed in the spring of 2024.

Review monthly bills/reports

Finance Director Klein reported expenditures in the amount of $1,485,229 for the month.

Commission Duties Review

Attorney Martineck gave a Power Point Presentation on the Duties of Commissioners.

Review cost of Special Meetings

Finance Director Klein shared the cost and time involved with having a Special Commission Meeting. Attorney Martineck will draw up a Resolution for approval on a future agenda, charging $25.00 for a requested Special Meeting. This Resolution will include a change to the Master Fee Schedule.

Appointment of Department Heads and Police Officers

Discussion was had on the current Appointment of Department Heads and Police Officers. Attorney Martineck referred to code which states that the City Administrator should be appointing these positions. The Commissioners requested, for the time being, Police Officers be appointed by the City Administrator and not need Commissioner Approval. The current Code will be reviewed, and an ordinance will be drafted as to the actual titles needing Commission approval and the actual titles that can be appointed by the City Administrator.

Review 10 Year Valley City Infrastructure Plan

Administrator Crawford reviewed the 10 Year Valley City Infrastructure Plan. This plan gives the transparency to determine if we have the monies for future projects and make sure that we know exactly which projects the monies budgeted go to. This plan covers the estimated projected funds needed for future projects and maintenance in all City Departments and how the monies will need to be budgeted. 

Year to Date Building Permit Report and Power Point Presentation of Recent Home Sale Comparisons

Assessor Current shared a Year-to-Date Building Permit Report from Michael Blevins. Current also shared a Power Point Demonstration on the sales of houses and how the values have increased in the past couple of years.

Discuss Public Works 2024 Proposed Budget

Public Works Accountant Jacobson discussed the Public Works 2024 Proposed Budget.

Discuss PW Water Rate increase

Public Works Accountant Jacobson explained the need for the Public Works Water rate increase.

Discuss PW South Side Sewer rate increase

Public Works Accountant Jacobson explained the reasoning for the South Side Sewer rate increase.

Discuss PW Credit Card Fees

Public Works Accountant Jacobson shared a spreadsheet on Credit Card Fees and what it costs the City to offer this payment option to the Citizens. Those fees continue to rise for the City. Discussion was had on these fees and if the fee should be passed along to those using this service.  The City does offer 3 ways to pay with no fees being charged.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:37 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

11.7.2023 Finance Minutes

City Commission Finance Meeting

Valley City, North Dakota

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

3:30 PM

Called to Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Gulmon.

Other present: City Attorney Martineck, City Administrator Crawford, Finance Director Klein, Administrative Assistant Hintz

Absent: Commissioner Bishop

Department Reports

Sanitation Department

Sanitation Supervisor Swart stated that we are still having a few issues with the containers. Remember that the handles should face your house. All garbage must be in closed bags in the container and all garbage must fit into your container. The City will not pick up excess garbage. Please also remember that you need 3 feet around each container for the truck to be able to collect the garbage. Residents and Businesses please tie your bags shut to keep the garbage contained. Finally, dump your leaves and clippings out of the bags at the Grass site. Discussion on how garbage pickup will work this winter with snow fall and weather. Containers should be placed in the same locations as they currently are, but not in a snowbank. If snow needs to be plowed in your area, your pickup may be suspended that day and will be picked up on Friday. This is a work in progress this first year.

Water Department

Water Superintendent Hesch let us know that water usage is down. A water sample was taken to The Grand Forks Pollution Control Conference and Valley City placed in the top 3 in the state for Best Tasting Water in North Dakota.

Electric Department

Electrical Superintendent Senf shared that there were 6 outages since the last month. 5 were squirrels and 1 an underground trouble near Woodland that was replaced. The 3 Phase is ready to go at Valley Plains Implement, we are ahead of that project. Inventory, Christmas Decorations, and continued work on the purple lights are on the project list.  Superintendent Senf also shared that they are currently applying for 3 grants to cover the cost of a few projects. One grant is for the replacement of the 69-transmission line from Valley City to the WAPA Sub which is roughly 1.8 miles. This opportunity will replace the old poles and insulators at possibly 100% of the costs covered. The next project would be to replace all the Sodium lights to LED, he estimates that there are about 250 lights left to switch over, this grant will possibly cover at 100%. The final project would be to convert all of Valley City to underground which would be a lengthy time frame so they would propose doing only 2 circuits this year, the grant would possibly pay for 100% of the costs.  

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson reported there were 17 calls last month. The “Calls for Service” numbers are up from last year. The Fireman’s Dance will be held on November 24th at the Eagles. The band Karma will be playing and all are invited. This will be a freewill donation, no tickets this year. Assistant Fire Chief Lance Coit attended the FEMA training this past week in Baltimore. Very Educational, passed with a 100% and all it cost the City was his meals and parking. Chief Magnuson also gave an update on the ‘Dangerous Buildings” in town. There are 4 projects in play right now. Attorney Martineck is working on the legal aspects. Discussion was had on the process and again it was stated that this is a very long process.

Police Department

Police Chief Horner discussed the 3 openings at the Police Department. They have had 5 applicants with one of the applicants completing the back-ground check. The interviews for the remaining should happen later this week. There were a few scheduling conflicts. The Department is looking into updating some electronics and equipment needed that was not in the 2024 budget, they are looking for different revenues or grants as Chief Horner feels this could be an Officer safety issue. The Guys have been working hard. Discussion regarding the number and type of Applicants, as well as the training needed to become an Officer took place. Administrator Crawford thanked Chief Horner for all the extra time he has been putting into the job since taking over.

Street Department

Operations Supervisor Klemisch reported that Ben Lokken recently went to Bismarck and passed the Water Treatment to Level 3 Certificate. This is a 5-hour test. Currently Wade Hesch & Sherry Keys are Level 4 and Ben will continue to train & test and the goal would be to gradually integrate him into working at the Water Plant. This is a big deal for Valley City. Currently discharging the lagoon for the winter. The street sweeper was winterized but is now back in service trying to get some of the leaves cleaned up. The Ash Trees that were marked have been taken care of and 2 houses were torn down. Inventory will start next week as well as some winter work. There will be a couple people working in the department over Veteran’s Day to keep things going.


City Administrator Crawford talked about the Resolution for Public Sales. An opportunity came up and items will be sold at a sale that was already set up. The items will be listed, with the larger items having reserves set. There will be a 7% charge from the Auctioneer for sold items. The Auction will take place over a two-week period. This will be an online auction but people will have the ability to go and see the items in person as well. For the larger items, if a reserve was set, we will need to pay the 7% to the Auction Service if an item is not sold. By going with Integrity Auction Service, they will handle all the pictures, descriptions and marketing for the sale. All departments have contributed items to be sold.

Administrator Crawford also brought up discussion on a Charging Station that was installed at Stoudt/Miller. The location was put in the “Line of Sight” for the Department of Transportation Right of Way. This is a new situation and an Ordinance or Resolution will need to be started. This will need to come from the direction of the Commission and we will need to start a permitting or license process. The current station may need to be moved as it is a Zoning Violation. Attorney Martineck will look into this.

Finance Director Klein updated the Commission on the loans for the Tree Removal that was discussed at an earlier meeting.  Both the Bank of ND and ND Finance Authority stated that they would not finance a tree removal loan. This is looked at differently than a regular construction project. The USDA does not see anything coming up on this subject either. Administrator Crawford shared her discussions with other Cities on this topic. Finance Director also mentioned that within the bills are final payments for DOT Projects including the 5th Ave NW Project, the East Main Sealcoat Project, and then 6th St NW Reconstruction Project.

Review monthly bills/reports

Finance Director Klein reported expenditures in the amount of $2,405,468.  for the month.

New Items

RFP for a New Service Center – CityAdministrator Crawford shared that we are required by Century Code when we build a building this size that we need to have an Architect involved. One step is that we have to have an RFP for architects. The second step is to go with Construction Management At-Risk and hire a firm who works with the architect and with the project and will figure out what it will cost and you are guaranteed that it will not go over that cost. If it comes in under, you do benefit. Commissioner Erickson also explained that the firm would manage the whole project and our team would not need to be there saving the City valuable time and resources. They would take care of the whole project acting as a General Manager which we would need regardless. City Administrator Crawford explained that the City would be required to have a Committee that is already determined by Century Code. This committee would oversee the RFP. If this is the way we want to go, with a CMAR, we can pay someone to do the RFP or set up the Committee but no one on the Committee can be applying to be one of the CMAR. Administrator Crawford & Commissioner Erickson both suggested that we go with the CMAR.

Attorney Martineck let the Commissioners know that the next step would be to do an RFP for an Architect or Engineer. That is required. The CMAR is an alternative to doing your standard bidding process. It is another approach to doing the standard bidding process. Tonight, we would need the Commissioners to approve the RFP for the Architect. The next decision would be whether you approve going with the CMAR process and then appointing a committee. Discussion.

Update on Viking Trailer Court – City Administrator Crawford shared an update from David Wick, work has begun and they are making excellent progress.

Red River Water Supply Project – President Carlsrud updated on the former McClusky Canal/Garrison Diversion which is now the Red River Water Supply Project. It was built to supply water to the eastern part of the state in a drought situation. Years ago, Valley City nominated for a certain amount of water. We have been part of the study for many years. The time is coming very close to making a decision as to whether we keep our nomination and continue with the annual cost. President Carlsrud will keep us posted as the time gets closer.

PFP Update – City Administrator Crawford gave an update on the PFP, now that the CLOMR is complete. An updated map was shared and discussed. The first step is to redesign Phase 4 adding mitigation. With that, they were able to add some mitigation with the Mill Dam and get some of that project paid for.  Also, just some updating of the design work and interior flooding concerns. Some of the streets that were set for rehab have now been updated to reconstruction. The re-design of Phase 4 will start now through fall of 2024. The Phase 4 construction will start in the spring of 2025 and continue through 2026.This will be bid in the fall of 2024.

Phase 5 design will start in the Spring of 2024. This will need to go through the State Water Commission for the updated final dollar amount as some of the funds were used for the CLOMR.

Phase 5 construction, which is also phase 6 Design and Construction, was approved through the legislature. this will now need to go through the State Water Commission as well. Currently, discussion is just on projects through 2026 right now. In Phase 5 there are 4 houses left to be bought out. Letters will go out explaining the process and if the owner wants to sell right now, we can look at it.

Special Assessment Cap for Paving Reconstruction Projects – Finance Director Klein shared with the Commission that Protest Notices have been mailed for the Reconstruction Project in the NW that will be happening next year. With previous discussions, it was known there was a need to increase that Cap. It was determined to raise that Cap to $150.00 per frontage from the $123.67 previously used. By increasing this, it gets us to just over 25% of the projects being special assessed. The remaining local funds come out of the R&R funds. We wanted to make sure that this increase at least covers the cost of the seal coat to be paid out of R&R Funds. Looking for an OK from the Commissioners to increase the cap to the $150.00 which has not been increased since 2014. This brought up discussion on the Local share as well as the R&R Fee. City Administrator recommends that the Commission approve the increase the cap at $150.00 now and then look into increasing the Cap and R&R in the future. It was decided that a recommendation on the amount to increase the R&R should be brought to the next meeting and a Resolution written. The commissioners agreed to the new $150.00 Cap.

Digital Signage Update – Commissioner Magnuson gave an update on the Digital Signage with the requests made at the 10/3/2023 Commission Meeting. The digital sign was removed from the quote and the titles: City Hall and Public Works were added to the bottom of the signs. This brought the costs down considerably and all seemed in favor of the new design. Permitting for the sign will be taken care of by the City. It was also asked if the City could take care of the electrical, City Administrator Crawford will be reaching out to Superintendent Senf on that question. Commissioner Magnuson will move forward on ordering the signs.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:47 PM.