7.17.2023 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

  • This week is another great week for entertainment in Valley City.  Wednesday, July 19th, Myron Sommerfeld & The Music of the Stars will be featured at Music in the Park.  Myron and his group play a myriad of easy listening, swing and ballroom music for all to enjoy.  
  • Thursday the 20th is another Summer Nights on Central featuring 32 BELOW and its “music for the working class”.  The band, having sold over 15,000 albums,  is also one of the house bands at the Wildhorse Saloon in Nashville.  Last week the food, music and visits were all good ….. enjoy. 
  • Monday the 17th the VCPR is hosting a City Block Party in City Park 5:30 – 7:30 ….. Fun for all!
  • Chautauqua Park has a great, new Sand Volleyball Court.  Thank you to the Valley City Parks and Recreation Department.
  • Chlorosis in trees, mostly Maples, is showing up around town.  If you have trees that are turning a lighter green, leaning towards golden, you may have a chlorosis issue.  It can be treated if caught early or it could be fatal if not.  Please utilize our City Forester or our Barnes County Agent as resources.  
  • If you are planning to plant a tree(s), please see the recommended tree listing which can be obtained at City Hall and likely the Courthouse too.  Sadly, some my favorite trees are not flourishing in our area as they once did.
  • Another challenge is the Emerald Ash Borer.  The borers have yet to be confirmed in Valley City, though they are in Moorhead.  Valley City has a huge number of Green and Black Ash Trees that can be ruined by the borer so you may want to check your trees.  If you have Ash trees you want to save, there is a treatment and again, please utilize the aforementioned resources.
  • Thanks to all who provide and proof material for this article.                     
  • Never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig likes it.”    ~ Cowboy Logic                         

                                                  Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful,


Posted in Announcements.