9.7.2023 Commission Agenda

City Commission Meeting
Valley City, North Dakota

Thursday, September 7th, 2023
5:00 PM

The City Commission Meeting will begin on Thursday, September 7th, 2023 at 5:00 PM CT, at the City Commission Chambers, 254 2nd Avenue NE, Valley City, ND.

Call To Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance (please stand)

Constitution Week Proclamation

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Approve Minutes from the August 15th Commission Meeting.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Electrical Superintendent, Building Inspector, Finance Director and Municipal Judge.
  2. Approve 2023-2024 Application for Contractor Licenses for the following:
    1. Indigo Signworks, Inc. dba Indigo Signs
    1. Bridge City Landscaping and Excavating LLC
    1. Citywide Electric LLC
    1. Nations Roof, LLC
  3. Approve Raffle Permits for the following:
    1. Valley City United States Bowling Congress Assn, Monthly 9/7/2023 through 6/30/2024 at Sky Lanes
    1. SHINE on 10/7/2023 at the Eagles
    1. Dakota State Auxiliary from 10/7/2023 to 4/20/2024, Final drawing at the Valley City Eagles
  4. Approve Parade Application for Valley City Public Schools on 9/22/2023 starting at 4:00PM. Homecoming. Central Avenue.
  5. Approve Application to Block Off Street for Valley City Barnes County Development Corp Fireworks Show September 7th, 2023 at 8:45pm to 9:15pm.

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5-minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.

Public Hearing


  1. A pprove Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1138, an ordinance to amend and reenact sections 8-06-06 and 8-06-09 of the Valley City Municipal Code related to emerald ash borer.(City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Carlsrud

  • Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1139, an ordinance to amend and reenact section 5-01-20 of the Valley City Municipal Code related to feeding wild animals. (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud

  • Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1140, an ordinance to amend and reenact section 15-06-06 of the Valley City Municipal Code related to contractor excavation bonds. (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Erickson          Gulmon           Magnuson        Bishop             Carlsrud



New Business

N1.      Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $0.00. (Finance Director Klein)

Roll Call:          Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Carlsrud

N2.      Approve 2022 Audit Report Prepared by Eide Bailly. (Finance Director Klein)

            Roll Call:          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson            Carlsrud

N3.      Accept Cost Proposal for Audit Services. (Finance Director Klein)

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud

N4.      Approve Request from Valley City Barnes County Development Corp for Building Purchase to Assist Freedom Machine Group. (Jennifer Feist)

Roll Call:          Erickson          Gulmon           Magnuson        Bishop              Carlsrud

N5.      Consider request for native growth area at 1150 West Main St, Concept Dentistry. (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson          Gulmon           Carlsrud

N6.      Marketing & Promotion of Valley City Service Agreement. (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Gulmon           Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson           Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report
City Updates & Commission Reports

Posted in Announcements, City Commission Agendas.