9.13.2022 Planning and Zoning Minutes

Vice Chair James Wright presided and called the meeting to order 4:00pm on Tuesday, September 13th, 2022. Committee Members present: Dave Carlsrud, Jeff Erickson, Bobby Koepplin, and Bill Carlblom.

Others: City Attorney Carl Martineck, City Administrator Gwen Crawford, City Planner Joel Quanbeck, Assessor/Acting Secretary Tina Current, Building Inspector/ Assistant Fire Chief Lance Coit.

Audience members: City Engineer Chad Peterson (KLJ) Tracy Eslinger (Moore Engineering), Tim Logan, Derek Bear, Preston Bear, George Gaukler, and Jennifer Feist.

Bill Carlblom moved to approve the minutes of the August 9th, 2022 regular meeting seconded by Jeff Erickson. Motion passed unanimously.

Building Inspector Report

Building Inspector/Assistant Fire Chief Lance Coit gave a report. Coit reported since the last planning and zoning meeting there has been four permits for twin homes, a single-family home, couple decks, a sign, and a couple basement repairs.

Public Hearing regards an application to plat the Industrial Park Addition within the NE1/4 of Section 20, Twp140N, Rng 58W of the 5th PM in Valley City, ND The land proposed to be platted is between the BSNF Railroad ROW and 12th Street NW. If approved, the result will be creation of five lots for commercial and industrial development with access onto 12th Street NW

Vice Chair James Wright opened the public hearing.

Bobby Koepplin asked it if this wasn’t formally platted before. Carl Martineck responded that is correct. The plat was prepared in the past, but was never submitted to the recorder’s office for final recoding.

Koepplin moved to approve subject to Martineck’s approval of the language, Erickson seconded followed by roll call and unanimous board approval. 

Public Hearing for Variance application at 646 6th Ave SW for construction of garage in the floodplain

Preston and Derek Bear spoke to the board about their request when building a garage. Joel Quanbeck provided information on the criteria that needs to be meet to build a garage in the floodplain. Quanbeck recommendation was to build 20 inches below required evaluation, but include flood gates to meet FEMA requirements.

 Bill Carlblom moved to approve the variance with a foot lower than standard level, but include the     flood proofing that meets FEMA requirements. Dave Carlsrud seconded followed by roll call and unanimous board approval.

Public Hearing for Valley City Comprehensive and Transportation Plan

Joel Quanbeck provided a Power Point to help explain the Comprehensive and Transportation plan.

Quanbeck explained that anticipated development south of Meadow View Estates and Tvedt Subdivision in the southwest quarter of Section 27 is in an area identified as rural development by the Comprehensive Plan.   The Rural Land Use Category designates development at a density of 1 unit for 5 acres.  Approval of development in this area at a different density should start by amending the Comprehensive Plan.  In addition to changes in the future land use map, other potential areas of the Comprehensive Plan needing review and possible amendment include:

  • The future transportation network
  • Extension of sewer and water trunklines
  • Providing for future parks, recreation and trails needs
  • And considering implications for other land uses. 

Joel reviewed details pertaining to all these topics.  He highlighted the following key points:

  • Strong consideration should be given to extending the future functionally classified road that is the south section line of Section 27 all the way to the Kathryn Road.
  • Sewage treatment capacity is not a problem, but there are bottlenecks where trunkline capacity may be limited and sewage collection trunk lines and lift stations should be evaluated for the most cost-efficient long-range plan for serving the entire growth area south of I-94.
  • Water supply capacity is not an issue, but it is important to have an overall strategy to ensure looped systems and sufficient pressure for firefighting to serve the entire growth area south of I-94.
  • Consideration should be given to a revised land use plan that encourages limited but appropriate retail and service businesses in the area south of I-94 because the eventual population in that part of the city could be more than half the current population of Valley City.
  • The issue of appropriate requirements for parks and recreation and trails facilities has been discussed by the planning commission several times in the last two years.  The Comprehensive Plan illustrates that there are no parks and recreation facilities or trails close enough to serve the study area. In order to maintain the existing parks and recreation level of service a plan to provide these facilities should be created to address anticipated residential development. At a minimum there should be a park with basic playground and open space within a quarter mile of all residences. Where there is high level of multi-family development there is a need for higher levels of parks and open space.  Additionally, there should be a trail and sidewalk system allowing access to parks, schools, neighborhood commercial centers, and linkages to the greater trails system of Valley City.

The following points were made by the Planning and Zoning Commission members and the public:

  • There is a powerline easement area within the proposed area for development that may serve as a possible location for open space/parks/trails to serve the development.
  • Consideration should be given to whether it would be better to develop a second lagoon system that would serve the area south of I-94.
  • There are significant existing and even more potential issues related to stormwater management that should be addressed when considering additional development south of I-94. 
  • George Gaukler spoke after Quanbeck Power Point. Gaukler explained he has land available to provide the needed green space in the new development.
  • Tim Logan spoke on his concern with all the storm water coming from the new development is causing problems already



With no other items to discuss, Vice Chair Wright called for the meeting to close at 5:23pm.

Posted in Planning & Zoning Minutes.