4.28.2022 Daily Flood Minutes

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM.

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Bishop and Commissioner Gulmon

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, and Administrative Assistant Johnson.

Rich-Pool elevation at Lake Ashtabula is 1265.33. Releases are at 4,060 cfs, inflows of 3,240 cfs. Warwick is at 1,100 cfs and holding, Cooperstown is steady at 1,850 cfs and pretty steady and Bald Hill is at 620 cfs. Valley City is at 16.04 which is about 4,330 cfs. Local inflow is right around 270. National Weather Service forecast is calling for 2.36 inches of moisture for this weekend’s events. NWS did a gamma fleight which checks the moisture in the upper part of the soil.  They downgraded the soil moisture but the forecasted precipitation is up so it comes out as a wash. Showing a crest beginning Tuesday at some time 18.5’.

Magnuson asked if we get a decent rain event if the dam would shut the gates down.  Rich responded that we may not be able to depending on how full the river is.  

Rich-May 1st up to 5000

Gwen-Levee patrolling will be needed and the Core contacted the National Guard to see how it was handled last time and will come up with a plan. We need to find out how many people we need on at one time and those people will need training. We will need volunteers to help with this.

Rich-the number of levees we need to monitor is less and some don’t have clay because they are high enough.  Where we put clay, you will want a higher frequency of eyes so that segment will be shorter and the levees that don’t’ have clay will be a longer walk. River levels will be from 17 feet we will want monitor them and according to the NWS that may be starting Saturday or Sunday depending on the precipitation.

Clint-Monitoring pumps and watching the flood walls.  Only thing new is staging pumps around town anticipating the rain this weekend so we don’t’ have to scramble.  Started the 8 hour shifts today to help get some rest for the weekend. 

Scott-We will do put the rest of the flood walls up tonight. Rescue drill was last night so we do have some of the water rescue stuff available.  A 180-pound person would go a block in less than a minute.  If you see someone go in do not go in after them-make a phone call.  Stay off the dikes, keep your kids and pets off the dikes, if we get rain this weekend, they will be slippery.

Carl-701-8907848 call to volunteer and to get the facts. This is a 24/7 non-emergency number. Call 911 if there is an emergency.


Meeting was adjourned at 4:22 PM.

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