Called To Order
President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.
Roll Call
Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson (3:40), and Commissioner Gulmon.
Department Reports
Electrical Superintendent Senf reported one outage. Finished up the underground in Webster Subdivision. Finished the alley rebuild and will be getting some locates called in Donny’s subdivision. Bad news is that our downtown sub, one transformer is out of commission. Waiting for a quote from HDR. I would like to convert it to a 115 line vs the 69 line so reinsulate some new poles and possibly a transformer.
Sanitation Supervisor Swart reported the numbers for clean-up week. We brought in 164.10 tons of garbage since September’s clean-up week and inert was 77.74 tons.
Kevin Jacobson reported for the street department. Stated there was a little bit of a pressure problem but that’s worked out. Seemed to be a bad PRV. We’re working with Grotberg on getting the fire pumps up on both Crestwood and the Industrial Park.
Water Superintendent Hesch reported the demand for water is going up. We trying to let people know if they are going to water, please do it in the morning or evening so it can soak into the ground. Try not to water every day. Your grass needs to learn to handle the stress in case there is a reason any restrictions have to go on in the future. Also, for those that fertilize your grass with your hose, get a vacuum breaker on your hose so there isn’t any chance of the fertilizer getting sucked back into the hose and ending up in the system.
Fire Chief Magnuson stated the Fire Department will be holding their Dedication Ceremony June 19th.
Police Chief Hatcher reported they did some interviews for the open position. We now have two open positions as another officer has submitted her resignation. We’ve worked through a few junk areas with the Street Department. The notices are going out and we’re notifying them and have been trying to work with them to get it cleaned up.
Review monthly bills/reports
We have just under $1.3 million in bills and expenditures for May.
Discuss NDDOT Urban Grant Program
Chad Petersen from KLJ we have tapped into this program with the Phase I project on Central Ave along with the current project on Main Street. This is a competitive grant program. When we started we were just looking at using it for the Streetscape project but there are other components that are in the focus area that could benefit from this. I wanted to see if there is interest in pursuing this.
Discuss Change Orders for 7th and 2nd
City Administrator Crawford stated change orders will be presented differently than before. Instead of just one lump sum of a change order at the end we will discuss the change orders as we go so everyone can understand where they are coming from. The first one is us contracting out removal of trees in order to get to the services. The next one was the manholes. We had to go up sizes on the pipes and make the manholes bigger because of the pipes. There’s no way to know this until you get down to in there to see it. The next was we knew how many services we had but we didn’t know a lot of the PVC pipe went from a house to clean-up. There were about 14 services that looked like they would be PVC but when they got in there it was clay tile. Approval was given for the clay tile being replaced with PVC.
Discuss 2nd Ave SE in Front of Senior Center
City Administrator Crawford stated this was actually going to be done last fall with the project on 5th but with the plant shutting down early due to the snow it didn’t get done. Now we have two different projects going on with two different companies that we’ll get quotes done and then it will be done in October. The money had already been set aside but we may get a better deal this year.