11/16/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hello Barnes County,

  • Well, our weather has certainly been living up to North Dakota Standards.  What is the old saying, “If you don’t like our weather, wait a few minutes, it will change”? With the nice days sprinkled in our weeks, make opportunities to get out and enjoy them. The air smells great.
  • The Corona Virus is ravaging our nation.  Our Barnes County positives have increased 137 in the last three days!   
  • Governor Burgum and the State Health Officer issued four mitigation orders Friday evening                                             
    • Face Covering Order where we cannot socially distance and violation carries a penalty of infraction.                                       
    • Adjusted bar, restaurant and food service venues. 
    • Addressed Tiered Capacity for large gatherings and events.                                   
    • Pauses all school, community, association and club sports until December 14th.
  • People, we have to “come together” if we are to effectively battle the virus.  We must have compassion and respect for our family, friends, co-workers and other citizens to slow the spread.  Remember the virus does not differentiate between family or friends, it will transmit through all contacts regardless of the relationship.  So unless we are with someone from our own household and cannot social distance, Mask-UP.
  • Our City County Health Department has Mask-UP Kits with signage available for use in your building(s).  Please call CCHD at 845-8518.
  • Be compassionate to those less fortunate and respectful to all.

Friendship is the rainbow between two hearts sharing seven colors.”                        (Snoopy Quotes)                                                   

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


Posted in Announcements.