10/26/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

As you likely know, we enacted “The City Mask Plan” at 5:00 PM last Friday.  You can view the plan at; https://www.valleycity.us/covid-19/ . Considerations for the plan are tied to the Smart Restart Guidelines issued by the Department of Health.

MASKING-UP is important as the main modes of transmission are by coughing, sneezing, talking and breathing.  All of which transmit droplets of different sizes.  Masks will help protect you and people around you too.

So, why would you and I want to MASK-UP?  With numbers of positives on the increase, we will be moving towards a higher risk level if we can’t lower our numbers.  We need to help our businesses by masking up; business employees need to encourage customers to mask-up as well.  If we move up too much in risk level, there is a threat the state could close businesses again so let’s all MASK-UP to save our businesses.  Also, with holidays just around the corner, there will be gatherings with friends and families.  As parents and grandparents, we all want to protect our children and grandchildren from COVID and they will protect us as well.

Let’s MASK-UP to save businesses and protect fellow employees, friends and family!!

We are in this together.”         (Anonymous)                                                   

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


Posted in Announcements, Covid-19.