10/5/2020 Mayor’s Message

Greetings Folks,

  • Please “Think”.  A number of Campaign signs have been stolen!  Whether or not a candidate is your candidate of choice, be thankful for people who are willing to step up, run and serve.  Oh, did I mention, stealing is wrong and thieves will be prosecuted?
  • The weather is mellowing, try getting out and enjoying   it.
  • September 24th VCSU hosted a Social Issues Forum on the lawn at McFarland Hall.  It was a beautiful setting and evening.  There were introductory statements followed by an “open mic” segment.  A number of people shared experiences of which all were heartfelt and informative.  A mutual respect for the other person’s position in life was exhibited.  Thank you all for the event and thank you Daijah for inviting me.  “To move along, we need to get along”. 
  • Fun!  Have you seen the new lights in City Park?  It was accomplished with a Parks & Recreation and Valley City partnership. Thanks to Valley City Public works for installing, they look great.
  • Thank you all for efforts you have made battling the virus.  The daily numbers of positive tests have been in the lower single digits recently; keep up your good work. ** Hygiene, Social Distance and “MaskUpND” when you can’t social distance. “Work towards “Green”
  • Good News:  Saturday I had the pleasure of observing two of our police officers help an elderly person who was up town and lost.  They were compassionate and efficient in accomplishing their mission.  Thank you to the officers and Todd Christiansen.
  • * Please, exercise your right to vote.
  • Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”                      (Special Olympics Oath)

     Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


Posted in Announcements.