04/21/2020 City Commission Agenda

Tuesday, April 21, 2020
5:00 PM

The City Commission will meet on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 5:00 PM CT, via Microsoft Teams. Board Members may attend from alternate locations to minimize group size and contact, as recommended by state and federal government officials due to COVID-19 and as allowed in ND Executive Order 2020-16. Members of the public may view the meeting online. The meeting will be broadcast on CSI Channel 68, BEK Channel 26 and KOVC 1490 AM.

Call To Order
Roll Call
Arbor Day Proclamation

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from April 1, 7, and 13, 2020 meetings

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Raffle Permit for CHI Mercy Health Foundation
  2. Approve Electrician, Plumber and/or Mechanical Contractor Licenses for Bentson Electric, Sullivan Construction, Inc.

    Roll Call:          Powell              Bishop              Magnuson        Erickson            Carlsrud

Public Comments

During the COVID-19 emergency, members of the public may request to make a public comment regarding city business by contacting City Hall (701) 845-1700 by 12 NOON on the day of the meeting to make arrangements.

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5 minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.

Public Hearing

  1. Public Hearing for Rezoning Block Plecity Mobile Home Park Addition (City Attorney Martineck)

    Declare public hearing open.

    Close hearing.

    Roll Call:          Erickson           Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Carlsrud
  2. Approve first reading of Ordinance No. 1053, an Ordinance Rezoning Block 3 Plecity Mobile Home Park Addition (City Attorney Martineck)

    Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Erickson            Carlsrud


  1. Approve Resolution No. 2253, a Resolution Approving Replat of Greenline Deere Second Addition (City Attorney Martineck)

    Roll Call:          Bishop              Magnuson        Erickson           Powell              Carlsrud

New Business

  1. Approve $500,000 funding from Bank of ND for the I-94 Regional Development Corridor water and sanitary sewer line extension project (City Auditor Richter)

    Roll Call:          Powell              Erickson           Magnuson        Bishop             Carlsrud

City Updates & Commission Reports

Posted in City Commission Agendas.