City Declares Flood Emergency; No Imminent Threat

The City of Valley City declared a flood emergency on March 3, 2020; however, there is no imminent threat to the City. 

An emergency declaration serves to activate the response and recovery aspects of the City’s emergency operations plan and authorizes the furnishing of aid and assistance.  It is the first step to ensure that resources are available to the City before, during and after a predicted flood event.

City staff and the Board of Commissioners continue to monitor flood forecasts provided by the National Weather Service and the US Army Corp of Engineers, and are working closely with other local and state entities including Barnes County Emergency Management and the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services.

Additional information, including river level forecasts for the Sheyenne River through Valley City, is available at

Updates will be provided though the City’s website and local media.

Posted in Announcements, Spring 2020 Flood.