Updated: April 12-13, 2019 Snow Removal

Business, School & Emergency Route Snow Removal, Beginning April 12

Valley City Public Works crews will remove snow from businesses and school areas beginning Friday, April 12 at 12:01 AM. Crews will continue clearing snow until about 12:00 noon on Friday.

Residential Snow Removal, Beginning April 13

As of 3:00 PM Friday, there are about six blocks of windrows still on the streets.  They have gotten wet and sticky and the blower will not blow them.  We are going to leave them until midnight so that they freeze and will be redoing the business then also.  The plows will finish Northwest residential section Saturday morning and continue clockwise until finished tomorrow.

Please use caution on city streets

Both City standing trucks are down and the City will borrow a sanding truck from the county. Please use caution when traveling on city streets, it is better to stay where you are and not travel today.


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