07/17/2018 City Commission Minutes

Valley City Special Commission Proceedings
July 17, 2018
5:00 PM Meeting, City Hall

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Powell, Commissioner Erickson.

Others Present: City Administrator Schelkoph, City Attorney Schoenack, Assessor Hansen, Public Works Accountant/Manager Jacobson, Building/Fire Inspector Andersen, Fire Chief Retterath, Police Chief Hatcher, Mike Strom & Kris Bakkegard from KLJ.

Approval of Agenda – Remove N3

Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Powell moved to approve minutes from July 2, 2018 meeting, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Consent Agenda

A. Approve bingo permit for Chamber of Commerce
B. Approve Electrician License for Dakota Electric Construction Co., Inc.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. The motion passed unanimously.


Approve first reading of Ordinance No. 1035, an Ordinance Amending & Re-enacting Title 18, Parks
City Attorney Schoenack reviewed Title 18, Parks for the commission. Commissioner Bishop moved to approve Ordinance No. 1035, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. The motion passed unanimously.

Approve first reading of Ordinance No. 1036, an Ordinance Creating a Perpetual Restrictive Covenant for Structures to be Removed in Accordance with State Water Commission
City Attorney Schoenack reviewed Ordinance No. 1036 which creates a perpetual restrictive covenant on properties recently purchased by the City. City Auditor Richter stated the process is required for reimbursement from the State Water Commission (SWC) for the Permanent Flood Protection project.

Commissioner Erickson moved to approve Ordinance No. 1036, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. Commissioner Powell inquired if infrastructure can be built, for example to water gardens in this space City Administrator Schelkoph if walking path requested, it would need SWC approval. Schelkoph stated utilities are not advisable as it interrupts the floodwall protection.

The motion passed unanimously.

New Business

Appoint Shannon Little Dog to the Renaissance Zone Authority Board for remainder of 3 year term that began July 1, 2018
Commissioner Powell moved to appoint Shannon Little Dog to the Renaissance Zone Authority Board, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. The motion passed unanimously.

Approve recommendation from Renaissance Zone Authority Board to approve application by Edward & Jilletta Anderson at 448 13th Street NW with a 5 year income tax exemption and a 5 year property tax exemption up to $250,000 for purchase of new home, designate it as VC-109

City Administrator Schelkoph reported the home is eligible for Renaissance Zone and recommends approval. Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve the application by Edward & Jilletta Anderson at 448 13th Street NW with a 5 year income tax exemption and a 5 year property tax exemption up to $250,000 for purchase of a new home and designate it as VC-109, seconded by Commissioner Powell. The motion passed unanimously.

N3) Approve amendment to contract with City Attorney Martinek – Removed

Consider decorating Central Avenue for Crazy Daze

City Administrator Schelkoph discussed decorating Central Avenue during Crazy Daze to show how the Streetscape project would look.

Commissioner Magnuson stated this would give people an opportunity to see what the bump outs and sidewalks impacts would be to Central Avenue. Magnuson was supportive of the concept.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve decorating Central Avenue for Crazy Daze, seconded by Commissioner Bishop. The motion passed unanimously.

Approve new gaming site authorization for Valley City Eagles at Captain’s Pub

City Auditor Richter reported this is a new gaming site location for the Valley City Eagles at the Captain’s Pub. Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve the gaming site authorization for the Valley City Eagles, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. The motion passed unanimously.

City Administrator’s Report

City Administrator Schelkoph reported the garbage transfer process was reviewed. The City only received one bid and is considering cost estimates to transfer the garbage to Fargo internally and Schelkoph will provide a full report at the next finance meeting. In the interim, Schelkoph is looking at a one year month by month extension with the current contractor.

Schelkoph reported on the gravel operation conducted by Tom Morehouse. The land is zoned B2 and gravel operations require a conditional use permit. Planning and Zoning will hold a Conditional Use Permit hearing on Monday, July 30.

Schelkoph attended the MRES Strategic Planning meeting last week. Schelkoph reported there will be no rate increases for Valley City, as S1 member, in 2019. MRES began strategic planning process to replace coal generation facilities. It takes 7 to 10 years to build replacement facilities.

City Updates & Commission Reports

City Attorney Schoenack stated she will stay on until January 1, 2019. Schoenack has an upcoming meeting with Municode to review the contract. Planning & Zoning will hold a second public hearing for the ordinance in August due to the number of changes made since the first hearing.
City Auditor Richter reported budget meetings will begin Monday, July 23. Draft of the preliminary budget will be distributed tomorrow.
Building/Fire Inspector Andersen reminded the public that trees should be trimmed 8 feet over the sidewalks and 15 feet over the streets. Please keep grass trimmed and clean up after your dogs. Andersen reported that junk vehicles are problem too.
Commissioner Powell asked the public to watch for pedestrians and bikers while driving.
Commissioner Magnuson thanked the public for patience during construction. Magnuson encouraged the public to take pride in City and help identify solutions when you have input on city policy, plans or business.
President Carlsrud thanked Ashley from Times Record for covering city government. Carlsurd also encouraged the public to use turn signals and clean up after your animals.
Commissioner Magnuson reminded the public that 5th Avenue SW is a one way, please follow the signs.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:37 PM.

Dave Carlsrud, President of the
City of Valley City Commission

Attested to by:
Avis Richter, City Auditor
City of Valley City

Posted in City Commission Minutes.